A Seed for a New Beginning
The Earth Refuge holds a seed for a new beginning. In that seed is a group of Earth people who are spiritually responsible for themselves, knitted together as a living consensus moving within the flow of our Earth Mother. A group dedicated to living without separation, no lesser or higher, an active call and response in the moment, a return to a living wholeness.
Given the level of human insanity today, it may be increasingly difficult to believe or envision that some humans could live after the coming collapse and return to the sacred circle of life. In our hearts, the Earth Refuge works toward a future where people come back to a life lived with our First Mother and begin the long journey of healing.

Do you see yourself in such a seed?
Do you see that you can return to origin?
Can you see yourself leaving the structures of the mind and living with the openness of the heart?
Particularly now in these times of great upheaval brought on by human insistence on separation from the Earth, it is crucial to embrace the teachings that are all around us manifesting naturally as the vision that is this life, let go of separation, reconnect with the Earth and recognize original heart, the true sky of our hearts, within direct experience in the natural world as a prayer for all life.
The Earth Refuge and the Circle
The Earth Refuge is a call to those who seek a place of solitude, within a circle of Earth People, to blend back into the embrace of our Earth Mother and follow the primordial teachings that surround us in the natural world.
The Circle’s intent is to follow a primordial spiritual path, beyond any religion or tradition. The practice is about direct experience and openness within all the physical and spiritual activities of one's life.
As for our lifestyle, we want to move closer to the Earth, learning to live simply and fully in the old ways.

The Land,
Cape Breton - Nova Scotia (Canada)
To live this vision, we have found and bought in April 2024 a beautiful 110 acres wood land, surrounded by small hills and connected to the hundreds of thousands of acres of Crown wilderness. It's just about 15 min driving from the ocean shores. The land is crossed by 2 beautiful creeks, a spring that runs all year long, and is bordered by a river. The forest is mainly made up of maples, birch, and fir trees.
The house on the property offers a place for gardens and a general interface with the common world outside. But it is a threshold to a cloistered land where Earth shelters are being built for those in our Circle.

Contact or join us
One of the tepee-like shelter we have built in the woods
Today our circle is made of 5 people of various nationalities and ages. We are now opening it to new members. If this vision resonates in your heart and you want to know more about the Earth Refuge and our spiritual practice, please read the book Primordial Grace, by Robert and Rachel Olds (available on Amazon, you can also get the French translation Grâce Primordiale), and visit Robert's website: acircleisdrawn.org
Robert Olds is the founder and elder of our growing Circle and he is open to speaking with you. He offers individual teaching and guidance to those who wish to traverse the path of Primordial Grace held at the Earth Refuge land where people can come for a week or more to learn, practice, and help with the gardens and the building of shelters. If you wish to learn more please feel free to write Robert at acircleisdrawn@gmail.com.
We look forward to meeting you!

May All Beings Walk in the Beauty of Origin’s Heart
And Experience their Indwelling Heart of Light
The Essence Seed of Great Compassion and Love And Live in Harmony and Reverence
With Each Other and our Beloved Earth Mother Returning to the Circle of Life
To Be the Prayer for All Being